Sunday, August 31, 2014

Beautiful Sunday Morning

Yesterday Shaun told me, "Alright, Brenda, no more buying anything this month...."  The thrifty in me said "No problem."  This is not a super common occurrence, but it does happen occasionally, and of course every month there seem to be unanticipated expenses.  I guess there should be a monthly column for "unanticipated expenses" because they are so common they should be anticipated?

Anyway, of course that evening the unanticipated happened.  Our 9-month old fridge (also which we had not anticipated buying when we moved here) stopped.  Electricity was going to it (the light was on) but the fridge had melted.  At least on the inside.

Twinges of guilt for a couple purchases this month ate at me, specifically the cost of a course online this fall.... (I'm still working on my degree and have five courses left.  What better way to spend my "free time," right?).  I marched stoically across the road through a large group of people having a party on the road and onward to a small group of people visiting on the street, one of them being a neighbour.  The five or so of them gazed curiously as I came to the group and burst into tears.  Well, that wasn't quite how it happened, but as I tried to say "Our fridge stopped" in Portuguese I had a hard time holding it together.  She was kind enough to offer the use of her fridge and save me from further embarrassment.  We had thought in this community where everyone seems to know something about everything that one of their husbands would know something about fridges, but apparently that's why there's lot of refrigerator repair shops around.  None of them open at night though.  If we want to figure out warranty stuff we'll have to pay someone to bring the fridge to Recife, two hours away.  I don't even want to think about that.

I came home after moving our meat over to our neighbour's house and Shaun was pouring over online forums about how to fix a fridge.  Something about a compressor having to work hard blah blah blah.  Maybe turn it off for a couple hours and try again.  Also take an axe to it....that was just my suggestion, but no forum agreed with my analysis.  We tried to turn it on a few times.... nothing happened.  I guess we have to wait until Monday.

So this morning, as we are eating breakfast I plug it in.  Nothing happens.  Then I forget all about it.  Twenty, thirty minutes later we hear a hum.  Seriously?  GET OUT!  Now I'm really crying because I am so incredibly grateful.  I know it's just a fridge people, but this is actually a big deal.  Thank God that He provided us with an answer to our prayer that it would just be a small thing.  And please pray that we have no more unanticipated expenses this month.

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