Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jonas: Week 9, 10, 11?

Weeks have blurred and I cannot remember quite how old our little guy is.  What I do remember is that he was born on October 13 and I see at the bottom of my computer screen that it is December 28, so he is over two months and under three.  My original plan (as I found on Pinterest) was to take a picture of Jonas every day against the same background and have a full year of pictures on his first birthday.  That would have been really cool.  That plan quickly evaporated and it turned into weekly, which should be every Sunday.  I thought I could at least take a picture of him weekly, and post it here to enlighten my readers about how cute our child is and how he is growing.  Anyways, I believe I added Weeks 7 and 8 to a recent post, but had nothing around the Week 9 mark to post.  And I just counted the weeks and realize he is 11 weeks tomorrow.  So for your viewing pleasure, I have a video taken perhaps sometime during his ninth week of life.

I believe we have our first thumb sucker.  There are definite pros and cons to this, and I know that it is cute now but that it may be a hard habit to break later.  He does take a soother, which is easier to take away in a year or so, but during the night he finds his thumb.  This I think could be the primary reason he is sleeping usually around 11 hours a night the past two weeks!

I believe this picture is courtesy of Hazel.  Notice the Canucks romper.  This was given to Seth when he was born by none other than.... Aunty Lorene and her sister Aunty Juju.  This was before Aunty Lorene was officially an aunt.  The tag says 18 months, which sucks because it is obviously mis-sized and Seth never wore it.  So fun that it fits Jonas at 2 months and I actually get to use it!

Lyla wanted to decorate Jonas.
If I did hashtags it would say something about "joysofbeingtheyoungest."
Obviously this is why I don't do hashtags.

Thank you Grandma for the six month sleeper you sent!  It fits me perfectly :)

The 6-9 month onesies are also a perfect fit.  Hopefully I don't outgrow them too quickly!
Here is my mommy reading me a tome.  Can't start too early, right?

Have a great night everyone!


  1. Hi Brenda, Shaun and family
    We received two beautiful pictures in the mail today! Thank you so much! They will go on our fridge to help remind us to think about you and pray for you as live and work in Brazil.
    Jonas is a wonderful and blessed addition to your family! Can we send you something special for him or will you be hit by duty to pay when you pick it up from the post office? If not, let me know where I can send it.. .
    It sounds like things are going well this time around. Does this mean you"ll be staying for a few years? I hope your language studies are going as quickly as the kids!
    We wish a Happy, healthy and blessed new year!

    1. Hi Aunt Olga, thanks for the thoughts and prayers! We agree that Jonas is a wonderful addition. We still are waiting and praying on a few things and hopefully within a month or two we'll know if we're staying longer. I suppose I should do a post about that too! Things are going really well, the kids are enjoying their friends and picking up on Portuguese. Shaun is definitely more fluent than me, I think I just really need to buckle down and study. It is busy teaching the kids and dealing with a new baby, so Shaun gets out a lot more than me too. We'll see how much things change when the kids start school in February. We hope your family is doing well too, and pray you have a wonderful year ahead!
