Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From Seth's Perspective

Today I thought it would be interesting to interview Seth about his views on Brazil.

What did you think about the trip here?
I got a lot of headaches.  I hate going on planes and feel like throwing up.

What's the best part of your day?
My favourite part is seeing Micah.

What do you like about Brazil?
I like catching lizards, geckos, and all types of animals.

What's the best thing we've done here?
I don't know... there's so much stuff that happens.  Catching lizards, playing in the pool... something like that.  I liked going on the coral reef because I saw sea urchins, crabs, all kinds of fish, and maybe I will see squid and octopus and baby sharks if I can go again.

Is there anything you're looking forward to in Brazil?
I'm looking forward to buying a science lab so I can study animals really hard every day, especially reptiles and amphibians.

What do you think about school with your mom?
I like it because it's fun.  I only go to school for 5 minutes and other people go to school for 6 hours.

What's your favorite activity in school?
I like math, including math games.  I like that we are studying coral reefs.  I also am making a book called "Seth the Sailfish."

What do you dislike about school?
I don't like spelling.

What do you think about learning Portuguese?
I do not like learning Portuguese.  It is boring.  I just have to do it because I need to learn Portuguese so I can speak to other people so they can understand me.  (Seth now gave me a list of Portuguese words he knows that he thinks I should write down for the reader's benefit.  He concludes this list by saying "and twinkle means star.")

What do you miss about Canada?
I miss my cousins.

If you could pick two people to come visit you here, who would it be?
Adam and Dylan of course.

What would you want to show Adam and Dylan if they came here?
How to draw a helicopter.  I would want to catch lizards and snakes with them, and have them help me with my science lab.

What do you not miss about Canada?
It is so cold in the winter, I hate getting snow in my boots.

Seth also wants to let you all know he likes to make up songs and he wants to be a song-singer and get money for people to watch him.  He also likes to draw helicopters, particularly Apaches.  He also can count to over 1000 in 1000 seconds.  He's excited about having a baby brother if it is, but if it's a girl he'll be sad, because boys play hockey.  When we pointed out girls can play hockey and Hazel does sometimes, he reminded us that she always quits on him.  He also points out that Lyla always slashes and hits the ball so it bounces up.  

The author of this blog would also like to report that although Seth thinks he does 5 minutes of school a day, I prefer to call it education by stealth, or guiding of the self-directed learner.... 


  1. Love your interview Seth!! Adam would love to come see you and look at all the coral reef with you!! He misses you very much :) He's busy writing a book for you called "Jake the Chamelion"!! Can you ask Hazel if she can do an interview next?? Love you:) Auntie Lee

  2. What a great interview, Seth!! I loved it. So neat to hear things from his perspective. I also hate getting snow in my boots! Worst feeling ever. By the time you get to it, it's melted and my socks are all wet. I'd also love to hear an interview by Princess Hazel :). Love you guys!
    Lisa (and fam)
