Saturday, August 14, 2010

Are We Going Back?

Shaun thinks one of the only reasons we wouldn't go back is if the company that has expressed immense interest in the product backs out. This business is based in Holland, so he is hoping to visit there in September, also to meet with our potential business partner and another potential distributor. I am debating whether to go with him...he is hoping to go for a week. He's worried that I would be in the way (not his words), but I said that I didn't need him :)  Besides I would take Lyla and could keep my own schedule.  Then  I would have to change my blogspot name to something totally lame like Brenda the Globetrotter, from the equally lame Brenda in Brazil.

The other thing we were thinking about is waiting to return to Brazil until March, as January and February are their summer holidays and Carnival is at the beginning of March next year, which means we probably wouldn't get a whole lot of business done until then anyways and rent is also extremely pricey at that time of year.  Shaun may have to return before them to figure out paperwork stuff and whatnot.  We did however have friends offer their home to us in January and February, as they will be out of town, so we are considering earlier.

So there is a short update on where we are and what we are thinking in regards to the business. We really enjoyed life there and truly the only thing that really bothers me is not having my mom and a few of my English speaking friends, particularly when there is stuff going on you really want to talk to someone about. 

The other thing we have to discuss is how long....but we don't have anything set in stone and I think we both have an idea of less than 5 years (Shaun has even said less than two but I have a hard time believing that).

And of course, as always, we know that our plans may not be the Lord's plans, and unless "He decides to bless, the workers toil in vain." So we place all our plans before our Heavenly Father, as we do not know what will happen in the coming year, and we pray that He gives us wisdom in all the decisions that we make.


  1. Very appropriate last paragraph. We will pray for a blessing on your plans!

    Dad and Mom Raap

  2. Yah! You're home, settled (for the time being) and making plans for the future. God's blessings in all of this! Not easy decisions to make, but He guides all your steps, so it's beautiful that you rely on Him.
