Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Road to Recife

On the drive between Maragogi and Recife you come across a little rainforest.  Here are some road signs you would never see in Canada.

Beware of sloths?  I could never figure out if they unexpectedly have a habit of falling on your car as you drive?  Or maybe they are aggressive animals.  I just remember reading they sleep around 20 hours a day and are awake at night, so I'm not really certain how dangerous they really are.
Any guesses as to what this is?  We know there were crocoldiles in the area but to me it never looked like a crocodile.  And if it is a lizard, are you supposed to avoid running it over?

The drive to Recife is a drive through miles and miles of sugar cane.  Depending on what time of year you are there, you can often see fields burning.  This is how they harvest, first by burning to get rid of dead leaves and poisonous snakes, and then cutting the fields with machetes.

In Brazil there are speed limit signs everywhere...that no one follows.  We have even seen cars passing police cars on the highway.  The only time anyone slows down is when they have these photo radar traps, usually in a town, and usually for 40km/hr.  Here is one in the middle of the rainforest for 60 km/hr.

Sign about preserving the rain forest

1 comment:

  1. My first thought was that the 'lizard' is a komodo dragon, which can grow up to ten feet long and wegh up to 150 pounds! So not a little lizard by any means.... and they can be pretty agressive animals. But do they live in Brazil? That I don't know.
