Friday, June 25, 2010

Game Day

We got ready for the game between Brasil and Portugal by walking around town yesterday and this morning, stopping at all the little shops, and finding shirts for all of us to wear. You may think that this made us look touristy, but au made us fit in. EVERYONE was in green and yellow today. The game started at 11 and we were invited to a World Cup party at Bete's sister's house.
Seth's Handiwork

Here they give thumbs up instead of waving, and Seth has adopted the greeting. He now walks down the street giving thumbs up and saying "Bom Dia" to everyone.

After the game we all sat down to eat and converse. Here you can see I obviously am laughing about a joke I told myself, seeing as I didn't understand anything our hosts were saying :) Unfortunately we didn't take pictures of everyone watching the game...there was a lot of yellow and green there!!

meus brasileiros
nossa familia

Shaun, Seth and Hazel ended off the day by playing soccer in the field beside our house.

Hazel's way of playing soccer, despite trying to convince her otherwise.


  1. Nice pictures and stories. Keep it up. We love to read them all.
    Have you gone night fishing yet? Or fishing with the net?

    Lots of fun, if you have not ask Moses, he took me a couple of times.


  2. Brenda! I love you! I'm laughing at you talking about telling yourself a joke - so funny and so you! Makes me miss you more :(... Love you tons and love seeing all the pictures of you guys. Especially little Lyla - what a doll!
    Miss you tons!
