Monday, June 14, 2010

Trying to Add Some Pictures...for the 6th time?

There is a picture of Seth riding his bike on the beach...we took his bike without his training wheels so he learned to ride without them here, within a few minutes he was going by himself. Shaun said he didn't help him once.

Seth at school for the first time.

Also the view from our balcony upstairs.

I also would like to upload pictures on this post of Seth and Sandro (the busdriver) today...his first time taking the bus to school. Also the baby gecko we caught in our house. If these downloads actually worked I would also include a picture of the giant grasshopper Shaun and Seth found upstairs, a picture of us out for dinner for Valentine's Day (where we saw a bat flying back and forth over the pool....too bad Seth wasn't there to witness that!), and Sandro's wife D'Jane teaching Shaun how to dance to a northeast Brazil type of music. And I would love to upload a video of Shaun and the kids in the ocean and Lyla just smiling away, but that will probably take all night so we'll see how it goes.


  1. so cool to see pictures. I though Sandros wife was you. I guess you really do look brazilian.And i love seeing seth in school, so cute.

  2. great pictures, Brenda.
    Thanks to Shaun for explaining your 'mission' in Brasil.
