Friday, June 18, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere

It is ironic and amusing yet frustrating and a bit crazy that this morning that we have water pouring (ok slight exaggeration but still enough to have towels at all the windows) into the house at all the doors and windows, yet have no water coming out of our taps. There has been major rain and wind all morning, yet it is still warm and humid (for the temperature and humidity of Maragogi check to the left of the post). So right now we are sticky and showers, no washing clothes and no flushing of toilets. We do have bottled drinking water so we of course will survive. Which is more than I can say than the over 1 billion people in the world who have unsafe drinking water. What I gather from Sandro is there is some broken pipe that they are fixing. And there is a reservoir on top of the roof, for moments like this, but ours I think was left open?? so there is no water in there. The gym beside us just told me we could use their showers, and I would run down there Immediately if Shaun wasn't in Recife and Hazel wasn't asleep. It has been a long morning already, with the internet going in and out (more out than in) and Hazel coloring on the wall (for the 3rd time) and none of the children's programming being that great to distract Seth and Hazel while rain keeps us inside. Sort of the reason that Hazel is asleep already :) Lyla's bouncy chair also was sitting beneath our staircase through the night and is sopping wet, so when she's awake I have to prop her on pillows or hold her (which I am too sticky to enjoy)....or she starts crying. She is actually starting to fuss now and this may sound a tad bit selfish but I am also counting down the minutes until I can put her in bed again!

Yesterday however was a beautiful day which we spent in Japaratinga while Shaun drove down to Maceio. Seth had a hayday with Titus and Joel and Micah in the pool at the Pousada, it was fun to visit with Tamara and Karen, and when Shaun and the men returned we had a wonderful supper before saying goodbye and heading home. We are hoping to spend a bit more time up in Recife with the missionaries and their families throughout the coming weeks. Shaun is currently in Recife to meet with the Canadian office of Foreign Affairs and Trade that he was supposed to meet with on Tuesday. He also has his computer or else I would upload a few more pictures of the last couple days, which are saved on it. So tomorrow expect some pictures of sunny weather and happy children! I don't think I'll be taking any

So good morning to you all and may you all enjoy your refreshing morning shower in warm water and washing your dishes and your clothes and think of me! Tomorrow everything will hopefully reverse and we'll have dry weather and wet pipes! And a good internet connection! I don't know how many more exclamation points I can use!

Love you all!

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