Friday, June 4, 2010

It's all in the getting there, right?

Hello everyone! We are happy to report that we have arrived! People asked us how our trip went, so here´s a little summary. We got up at 4am on Wednesday, left our house by 5. Drove to Seattle, then flew through Dallas, Miami and Salvador to get to Recife. In Dallas we had a 25 minute stopover and had to run from one terminal to another (well we did take the "skyline"). Shaun and I had a running bet the whole way here about whether our luggage made it. Shaun, ever the optimist, was fortunately right and everything showed up as we hoped, even Seth´s bike, which the check-in lady in Seattle said they weren´t liable for. The flight from Miami to Salvador was overnight. Lyla fell asleep right away at 10 and we set up the old car bed on the floor. She slept through until 5 the next morning. That was her first good sleep of the trip, as all her naps we had held her and she does not sleep well like that. Seth and Hazel and Shaun and I woke up intermittently throughout the night, but all in all it went well. The flight from Salvador to Recife was only an hour. We got into Recife and through Customs no problem by around 10. Sergio, the Brazilian Mission Aid Worker, picked us up. The plan was to go to Sergio´s house and he was going to drive us down to Maragogi after school with the school bus (an old Kombi). Apparently they had figured out a way for the students to get home without the bus, because we were suddenly outside of the city on our way to Marigogi. We were starving at that point and it was hot, hot, hot. No air conditioning for the Brazilian students! We stopped at a gas station for "lunch" which was water, some ice cream, and some crackers. The kids fell asleep most of the way. We arrived in Maragogi around 2, which is 10am BC time. So our entire trip, from start to finish, took around 29 hours. We were met by around 8 people, trying to talk to us in Portuguese. Shaun ran out for groceries with Sandro, while I fed and bathed everyone. (FYI: Sandro helped find this place to rent, and it is his sister Sandra´s house.) Everyone was so sticky and just a little grumpy. There are no baths here, we all had to take a shower. I bathed Lyla in the kitchen sink. The water is very cold, which felt good to me and Seth but Lyla and Hazel complained. The showers have a heater right on the showerhead, which is an electrical current, but ours does not seem to work. But after getting all washed up and being able to stretch out, we all relaxed and decided not to try clean up anything until the next day. We are thankful to God for traveling mercies and are happy to be here.


  1. Wow sounds like a good trip. :) xxoo

  2. Thank you Lord for safe traveling mercies for Shaun/Brenda and kids! Hope you had a good nights rest after the long journey. Hugs & kisses from Grandpa and Grandma

  3. Awww...just reading this now and what a journey!
