Saturday, July 3, 2010

Picture This

Everytime we go to the beach, we see kids walking with stalks of long grass. Occasionally they try to talk to us and ask us for something. We finally figured out it had something to do with the long grass they were holding, and asked what they made from them. So they made us a rose and two fishes ( I think?!). They are quite young too, I have to applaud them on their entreprenurial skills :) Just like when we go to the market, there are young kids walking around the store asking if you need help with your groceries. If you say yes, they come pack your groceries for you and then bring it to their car. It is kind of convenient because there never is parking in front of the "supermarket" so you have to park down the street. Then they will bring the cart back for you. So I've given in and instead of trying to do it myself, pay them 50 centavos or R$1 and try to talk to them the whole way to the car. Which they think is extremely funny, and I enjoy because they are such cute kids.

We see colourful butterflies and moths here all the time. This one is actually one of the uglier ones, because after I took the picture I noticed it is a moth. Furrier in the body and it rests with its wings open, whereas a butterfly rests with its wings together. Just a fun piece of trivia for all of you.

A camouflaged frog at the cool. Seth was upset he didn't have his bugcatcher along.

Tamara's work of art...and so delicious too! Happy Canada Day!
Attached to our house is a "Academia," which is a gym. This gentleman is our neighbour, Clebson. His living area is attached to the backyard (we have no yard with our section of the house) and he invites us to use the pool in it on occasion. Very friendly guy. He also invited us to a party at the gym last week, which Shaun went to and said it was kind of awkward for him, as he couldn't really speak or understand Portuguese because the music was so loud. The gym has classes at night and the music is SO loud...Shaun and I have the soundtrack memorized. It includes songs from Aqua (anyone remember Barbie Girl?), More Than Words, and a number of other English songs.

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